Plants3D Class Presentations & Social afterwards





Join us for the Plants3D Class Presentations and Social afterwards

  • June 13th
  • Presentations 12:00 – 2:00 PM
  • Social event 2:00 – 5:00 PM (food and drinks)
  • More details later



A UC Riverside researcher may have discovered a way to save our citrus trees

Attention home gardeners: Our beloved citrus trees may yet be saved from the incurable huanglongbing, a.k.a. HLB or citrus greening disease, thanks to natural immunities found in a rare and flavorful relative known as the Australian finger lime.

Read more

Plants3D Social at the Getaway Cafe

2023 Cohort
2022 Cohort
2021 Cohort
Our Trainees

Benjamin van Raalte

Lida Halilovic

Isaac Diaz

Amirsadra Mohensi

Annalise (Gushue) Kane

Zach Hartley

Nicholas Delbert-Robertson

Marcus Harland-Dunaway

Anqi Zhou

Jiadong “Mike” Yang

Stephanie Martinez

William Samson

Eva Ottum

Claire Mauss

Taryn Dunivant

Xiaoxuan Teng

Justin Hoover

Sabrina Gilmour

Alexandra White

Alex Humberto Valenzuela

Benjamin Verboonen

Janty Woojuh

Rachael Hamby

Jean Ae “Ruth” Kim

Taylor Rose Myhre

Sarah Thorwall

Aida Tafrishi

Marina Anderson-Youngblood

Chase Lenert-Mondou

Rachel Strout

Roxanna Pignolet

Gabriela Salazar

Adrian Garcia

Haley Larsen

Riley Jones

Jessica Wu-Woods