Melissa Gomez

Kuhlman lab: Through my past research experience, I have learned of microbial mechanisms that trigger plant tolerance to different stressors. This experience has inspired me to continue studying how organisms respond to stress, specifically light. I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Microbiology to answer fundamental questions on the molecular mechanisms of photosynthesis under exposure to different light energies. My motivation in joining the Plants 3D program is to develop the skills needed to make discoveries in foundational knowledge of photosynthesis and mechanisms of adaption to implement real-world solutions in an ever-changing climate. A better understanding of our microbial world will allow us to harness this newfound photosynthetic knowledge to create more effective plant growth methods using the most efficient light source. In addition, Plants3D will allow me to develop my skills in science communication with non-scientists. I will promote education on sustainable and innovative methods to improve our environment.